How to Become an Air Composition Study Consultant

Air Composition Study consultant

If you have an interest in the environment, science and chemistry, then this could be the right career path for you. This is a challenging job that requires excellent analytical skills, but it also allows you to make a difference in the world.

As an Air Quality consultant, you will measure and analyse atmospheric pollutants. You will help to ensure that industrial sites operate within environmental guidelines and protect the human population, wildlife habitats and ecological systems. If you are interested in this type of work, talk to your school and look into gaining experience in the field. An associate or bachelor's degree in Environmental Sciences is a good starting point. You will need a license from the Occupational Safety and Health Administration.

This stage involves using data collected by meteorological observatories in the area surrounding the proposed location for the turbines to establish a preliminary energy estimation and annual production projection. This will allow the project to be compared to similar projects and determine whether it is viable to continue with a more detailed site-specific evaluation that includes wind measurement equipment at the site for one year.

An acceptable wind resource for a project depends on many factors including the total installed cost, incentives available, the rate at which the power might be sold, and the investor’s required rate of return. A high-quality long term wind resource assessment is essential to enable the project to meet these criteria and have a reasonable chance of being financed.

However, measuring the actual Air Composition Study consultant wind at a given location is very expensive and requires several years of measurements. Fortunately, computer models that extrapolate conditions at a site from long term weather observations can be much less costly. Typically these models use an advanced physical model and then combine this with observational data to reduce uncertainty.

Vaisala has developed a machine learning algorithm to estimate turbulence intensity (TI) at the point location of a met tower, which is an essential variable for wind energy production. This can be difficult to measure and is often inaccurate due to situation-dependent biases in the models.

A good wind resource assessment will include not only the average monthly wind speeds at 30, 50 and 70 meters above the ground but will also provide a breakdown of the seasonal variations in energy production. This information will be useful to help the developer explain to investors and bankers how the variations in energy production will affect cash flows and the overall risk profile of the project.

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