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寺澤貴子&スグル 【スピリットメイト チャンネル】2020年4月スタート!


信頼できる人間関係を築き 、豊かさに溢れて、





自分自身が納得できる そんな生き方ができれば・・




1970年 東京品川生まれ。

2007年 株式会社CRYSTAL WISDOM設立

2011年 東日本大震災をきっかけに鹿児島へ子供と移住

2015年 長男の進学のため、福岡へ移住。


○ AROMA HAND FAB 及び 神聖幾何学 フラーレン 創始者 


1965年 福岡県福岡市生まれ。

1991年 福岡市教育委員会 採用

2018年   退 職

2020年 スグルカンパニー設立

○ 神聖幾何学 フラーレン 代表

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スピリットメイト TV 【貴子&スグル】


The most effective method to Express Welcome in French

In the event that you seriously love French film, you most likely have some familiarity with the dirty thrill ride The French Association. Coordinated by William Friedkin, the film featured Quality Hackman and Roy Scheider as NYPD opiates analysts Jimmy Doyle and Pal Russo. The pair are following a Corsican criminal organization bringing in heroin from Marseille, and endeavoring to capture the shipment. As the plot unfurls, the two men become engaged with a risky mental contest as they attempt to take out their separate opponents.

On the off chance that it's been quite a The  french connection the pornostarz album while since you last saw somebody, you could say "Ca fait longtemps" (in a real sense, 'it's been a while'). This is involved more in easygoing circumstances and may sound somewhat messy so it wouldn't be suitable at a prospective employee meeting for instance. Anyway it is an effective method for showing you care about your loved ones.

Contingent upon how formal the circumstance is, you can likewise utilize salut as a hello. The fundamental distinction among this and bonjour is that salut is utilized in additional proper settings. So you wouldn't utilize it to welcome a more peculiar or in school for instance, yet it would be fine to express welcome to your educator or at a party. You can likewise utilize salut a tous (hi everybody) in bigger gatherings.

You could likewise hear French individuals picking up the telephone with a basic allo, in a marginally unique tone to salut. This is on the grounds that they frequently utilize this hello while they're attempting to sound casual. It can likewise be utilized while presenting themselves on the telephone, so you could hear "Allo" trailed by their name.

Certain individuals could welcome you with an easygoing allo too, particularly in the event that they believe you're a companion or they like you. This is on the grounds that it's a more casual approach to making proper acquaintance, instead of being very formal and saved. You could likewise hear this as a solution to an inquiry - for instance, "Allo" because of an inquiry regarding how you're doing or whether you're free.

Another normal hello is coucou, which again can be utilized as a relaxed or formal hello. The word coucou in a real sense signifies "howdy" in French, and hello friends is typically utilized. It's basically the same as the English expression "Howdy" or the Spanish "hola".

While tending to somebody you haven't seen for some time, something pleasant to do is to add a commendation, for example, jolie, tu es tres fabuleux or tu es tres joli, tu m'adore. This shows you give it a second thought and it will encourage them as well.

A few French individuals could try and be somewhat more saucy and welcome you with a kiss, on the off chance that they're feeling especially coquettish or you have an extraordinary relationship. This is a smidgen more cozy than essentially making proper acquaintance and can be extremely heartfelt. For instance you may be welcomed with kisses when you meet your French sweetheart or sweetheart interestingly.


Impacto del Ser Militar en la Familia


El ser militar es una gran responsabilidad y puede tener un impacto significativo en la familia. Si un padre o madre sea fallecido durante las actividades militares, algunas familias tienen problemas médicos, emocionales y sociales. Si hay un estudiante militar que pierde su vida en la guerra, esto genera problemas para sus familias también. El estudiante militar podra ser traumatizado y debilitado por los ataques que recibe, o puede desarrollar trastornos mentales como irritabilidad o apatia.

Y, sobre todo, el estudiante militar podra tener problemas sociales por ser expuesto a la violencia y a velocidades altas de entrega. Las armas, en particular, causan tensión muscular. Algunos estudiantes militars tienen un estudiante infantil que se agrega a sus familias y, por otra parte, otros estudiantes militars tienen hijos que recurren a su padre o madre a conseguir armamento y recursos para jugar.

Por este motivo, el tema del servicio militar es una cuestión crucial. Y, por tanto, hay un impulso a ayudar a las universidades a discutir esta cuestión y a ayudar a comprender como afecta el servicio militar a los alumnos.

El objetivo del presente trabajo era determinar qué tipo de liderazgo predomina en la Segunda Division del Ejercito Nacional de Colombia y su relación con la moral combativa. En ese sentido, se utilizaron tecnicas cualitativas como la entrevista a profundidad y tecnicas cuantitativas como el análisis factorial exploratorio.

Los resultados indican que el liderazgo militar tiene una importante influencia sobre la moral combativa y, además, a la comunicación entre comandantes.

La investigación del servicio militar ha influido en el pensamiento de los alumnos y de los empresarios, y además, han indicado cómo a trabajar en una institucion militar, y qué requisitos hay para ser parte de la Fuerza Aérea Argentina.

Y, también, ayudar a comprender que la solución a la agresion no puede Ser militar, y que tiene que basarse en negociaciones.

Cada integrante de la Fuerza Aérea Argentina tiene un rol especializado dentro de institución, por lo tanto cada hombre y mujer debe decidirse acercarse a la Fuerza Aérea y a formarse parte de la institución. Si desea ser parte de la Fuerza, tiene que estudiar todo el proceso necesario para lograr entrada y llegar a realizar el trabajo militar. Es importante y necesario que los alumnos y las empresas del mercado se encuentren y se ayuden a la fuerza.


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The Cuerpo of Musicas Militares

El cuerpo de musicas militares ofrece una interesante opcion profesional para quienes son maestros de bandas de msica y que quieren llegar a las filas del ejercito. Para ello, se necesita ser teniente de trabajo en un equipo de trabajo y debe aprender todos los elementos técnicos y térmicos que están relacionados con la enseanza militar. El trabajo militar es una oportunidad para formar parte de la fuerza armada y contribuir a la paz y a la seguridad nacional.

Como ingresar a la Escuela de Musicas Militares

Una vez más, la EMUM es un centro docente militar de referencia y ofrece formación de calidad y integración como musico militar. Para ello, a cada grupo de musicos recibe ayuda y promoción directa desde el Ministerio de Defensa.

EMUM trabaja en colaboración con las fuerzas militares de todo el pas y es uno de los centros docentes de referencia de la Academia Central de Defensa. El objetivo de ella es darle acceso a la cultura militar para los msicos y a los aficionados a todo el mundo.

Cuáles son las caractersticas adecuadas para una tarea como musicista militar?

El trabajo militar puede ser muy Cuerpo de musicas militares interesante y gratificante, pero también puede ser realmente complicado y resuelto. Cuáles son las caractersticas as de difcilmente se puede realizar?

Durante la Edad Media, msicos militares eran a menudo contratados temporáneamente por reyes y principes para acompaarles en sus desplazamientos y ceremonias. Y con el tiempo, las bandas de msica militares se convirtieron en parte integral del cuerpo militar, tanto dentro como fuera del campo de batalla. Actualmente, las bandas militares de todo el mundo siguen tocando la msica para inspirar y motivar a los soldados, as como atraer al pblico en las ceremonias y parades.

La msica militar es el medio para abrir las puertas de la cultura a los msicos y formar parte de una sociedad global. Las bandas militares democratizan el acceso a la cultura, tanto popular como culta, y ayudan a crear una sociedad de aprendizaje y comprensión. Las msicas militares, y el ejercicio militar en general, tienen un papel importante para todos. El trabajo militar también tiene valores educativos, sociales y religiosos. La historia de la banda militar ilustra esto.


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Binary options signals online are trading alerts that give traders a heads up on when it is a good time to buy or sell a specific asset. They are sent out to traders in real-time and can be used by both novice and experienced traders alike. They are designed to eliminate the guesswork in trading and help traders make smarter decisions. These signals are either based on expert analysis or are automated. They are usually free, although paid signals are also available. It is important to find the right signal provider for your needs.

While free trading signals have their place, they are often inaccurate and may lead to losses if you follow them. The good news is that you can minimize the risk of losing money by using a free signal service with a demo account first. Paid signal services are generally more accurate and come with a guarantee. In addition, you can get live support to ensure that the service is delivering the results that you expect.

When choosing a binary option signal provider, you should look for one that offers a trial period. This can last from 7 days to a month and will allow you to test out the service before investing any money. This will give you a chance to see how well the signals work and how much profit they can Binary options signals online generate for you. Some providers offer additional features like automated trading and education.

You should also check how many signals are provided by a given provider per day. Some services provide hundreds of notifications each day, but this can be overwhelming and distracting. Aim for a provider that offers a consistent stream of reliable signals with a high success rate. You can also use online discussion forums and review PDFs to read about other traders’ experiences with a particular signal provider.

Most paid binary options signals have full detailed statistics for each signal that has been sent. You can see exactly when the best price was reached, compare it with third-party charts and use this information to improve your own trading performance. Some of the best signal services also provide detailed reasoning for each trade, so that you know why you should make a trade or avoid it.

The Gold Digger signals are a good example of this. These signals are highly specific, focusing only on gold and a few other commodities. As a result, they have an excellent win rate of over 70%. You can sign up for the Gold Digger signals by completing the simple registration process.

In addition to providing reliable signals, a good binary options signal provider should also offer a wide variety of trading assets. This allows traders to choose the assets they want to trade and to diversify their portfolio. This increases their chances of winning more trades and minimizing their risks. Moreover, a good binary options signal provider should be easy to use and should provide all the information needed to make a trade.


The French Association - A Manual for the XX Approaches to Making proper acquaintance and Farewell in French

The French Association (or FCUKed, assuming you're on Twitter) is a notable film that catches New York's terrible underside in holding narrative style. Furthermore, assuming you've at any point seen the film's well known vehicle pursue, it's straightforward why — it's a staggering succession that is difficult to top and is even more great for its authenticity.

The movie's chief, William Friedkin, had a foundation as a narrative producer, and his mastery is clear in the film. The pursuit scene, shot without licenses in genuine city traffic, is a demonstration of his expertise. What's more, in addition to the pursuit makes The French Association so conceivable — the whole film is crammed with coarse discourse, similar to when cop Popeye Doyle inquires as to whether he "picked his feet in Poughkeepsie".

Good tidings are a significant piece of any discussion in France, and there are numerous ways of making proper acquaintance or farewell relying upon the specific circumstance and custom. Bonjour is an extraordinary choice for relaxed discussions, yet coucou and salut are more proper while conversing with dear loved ones. Similarly, an abbreviated rendition of hi, ciao is a protected method for hello somebody you don't know well. What's more, to dazzle your bilingual companions, utilizing phrases like ca fait longtemps and tu vas bien can be an astounding method for flaunting your language abilities.

For the individuals who have close to zero insight into the French language, sorting out some way to appropriately welcome individuals can threaten. Yet, in the event that you're willing to require some investment and exertion, you can become familiar with the right words and expressions for any circumstance. From inviting companions to bidding farewell, this manual for the XX approaches to hello individuals in France will assist you with establishing the ideal first connection like clockwork.


The '70s were a turbulent time for the law enforcement framework, and police struck unlawful heroin labs around the country. One of the posses engaged with this occurrence was driven by Corsican dealer Paul Carbone, and it became known as the "French Association". This group utilized illicitly leased stockrooms to produce and appropriate heroin to the US. In spite of their prosperity, the pack in the end went to pieces, and Carbone was captured in 1975 for trick to import morphine base.

Directly following this bust, the The french connection the pornostarz album originators behind the French Association mark chose to change their name and marking. They likewise chose to pull together the organization's central goal and start zeroing in on extravagance products. This new center was a hit, and the brand turned out to be truly productive. The organization even opened up to the world in 1983, with an offer cost of 123p. The progress of the new brand prompted venture into different regions, for example, the film Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels and tennis foundations in the UK and Israel.

Tragically, the notoriety of the French Association name started to disappear during the 1990s. The pulled together business procedure was sufficiently not to keep the organization from seeking financial protection in 1992. The French Association's previous Chief, Chris Imprints, has stayed dynamic in the business and is proceeding to foster another line of homeware. He has likewise started another vocation as a writer, and his book The French Association: The Tale of an American Champion is expected to be delivered one year from now.


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