A Course In Miracles - Exposing The Myths And Facts About Jesus And The Catholic Church!


A Course In Miracles by Helen Schucman is a well-known book written by the popular author Helen Schucman. It is another of the well-known books written by Helen Schucman regarding spiritualism and similar topics. The premise of A Course In Miracles is that the best "miracle" that can happen to a person is the act of just gaining a complete "awareness of the presence of love" in one's life. Helen Schucman claims that this book was dictated to her by Christ.

But does A Course In Miracles really work? The answer depends on whether or not you believe that a miracle is only possible when you go against what you think and feel, or if you think and feel that you are "good" and then go out and do "good" things. If you go back to your original idea of what a miracle is supposed to be, it may very well be that A Course In Miracles, or any other spiritual practice for that matter, is actually useless because you have already made a firm decision to go against what you want to experience.

Some people have indeed come to think that when they go out and do good and positive things, they are making a "miracle". But when you read A course in miracles, or any other spiritual practice for that matter, and you discover that you already made up your mind to go against what you think and feel, then it becomes apparent that there isn't much room for "going against the will of the holy spirit". People who go back to their original idea of what a miracle is supposed to be, and discover that they already held to that same view in their lives, aren't really changing anything. They are simply "wearing the shoes of the dead". But by wearing those shoes, those people are able to experience the freedom that comes from walking in the presence of the risen Lord.

It is in this process of discovering what a miracle is for you that A Course In Miracles, or any other spiritual practice, is so valuable. You may not be ready to walk away from your ego and give up everything that you once thought was true about yourself, and you may not be ready to completely give up your natural sense of spirituality. But if you find that you are willing to drop the mask of your false self to experience the freedom that Christ gave all of us, then A Course In Miracles, or any other spiritual practice is valuable to you.

The point of this article is that if you want to walk in the footsteps of Christ, and if you want to walk with the risen spirit, then you need to drop your ego and allow yourself to be changed by the power and love of the One who gave you birth. If you feel trapped by the idea of some man or woman who has lived a lie for 2021 years, then do not continue on that path. Find another route, one that will allow you to get back to who you really are. If you do that, then you can start on A Course In Miracles, and you will walk in the glory of the Lord.

There is no better time than now to take A Course In Miracles. It is a perfect time to rediscover the meaning of life and to start making miracles happen for yourself. So, I encourage you to get started on this spiritual practice as soon as possible. Start walking in the footsteps of Jesus. It's time to reveal to the world who Jesus is really talking about!


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